SY 2022-2023 Mid-Year Communication

SY 2022-2023 Mid-Year Communication

Aloha e nā ʻohana Nā Wai Ola PCS,

Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou! (Happy New Year!)

Our haumāna have now made it to the halfway point of this school year. As you know we have high standards and expectations for our students and faculty, and we can honestly say that they have been doing the work to meet these expectations.

This school year we committed to providing our haumāna with greater learning resources, opportunities, and experiences to fulfill our mission of “Ma ka hana ka ʻike – In doing one learns.” We have been actively actualizing and aligning with our school’s vision and mission through our work in our ʻIke Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian Knowledge) initiatives. These initiatives are all taught and normalized through daily exposure implemented in our school educational programs such as Aloha ʻĀina (Stewardship of our Land), Project-Based Learning, Mahiʻai (Agriculture), ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian Language), Oli (Chants & Protocols), Mele (Songs & Music), Hula (Hawaiian Dance), Moʻolelo (Cultural Stories), and Mōʻaukala (History).

Through our educational program and our hands-on approach to learning, our students are learning and progressing academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. They are developing a strong identity and connection to and with Hawaiʻi and its culture, and exploring ways to improve sustainability for themselves, their ʻohana, and their communities. Each grade level has been diligently working on their class projects, working towards answering each of their driving questions. We are excited to see the results of each of their class projects at the end of this school year.

Our Kumu have been working tirelessly to support each individual haumāna in their growth and progress and have implemented a strong Response to Intervention (RtI) that aids our students in added support or acceleration in their learning. The data we collect through the various forms of assessments allows our Kumu to identify areas of challenge and acceleration and informs their delivery of instruction and RtI strategies. We have found by implementing a strong RtI program in each grade level, that our students are progressing, and although we are not yet where we need to be academically, we are steadily moving in the right direction.

In reviewing our data and completing our summary of evidence in implementing our school’s Title I Comprehensive Academic Plan (CAP) for the 1st and 2nd Quarters, we found that our students are improving overall. Our CAP ELA goal for the 2nd Quarter was 21.5% proficiency, we exceeded it by 4.9% scoring 26.4% overall. Our CAP MATH goal for 2nd Quarter was 22.5% and while we were 6.8% below our goal scoring 15.7%, we saw an 8% increase from 1st Quarter. These results are hugely positive for our haumāna and our school. We also found that there are a number of students that are performing one, two, and sometimes three grade levels above their current grade. Because of this, we acquired the necessary resources that will be implemented in the 2nd Semester to support our accelerated learners.

Overall, we are faring well as a school and learning community, and we will continue to do the work in providing the best educational experiences and opportunities for all of our haumāna. Below are highlights of this school year and upcoming activities or events with opportunities for Family Engagement.

Nā Wai Ola PCS Highlights:

  • 9/2/22 – Celebration of Queen Liliʻuokalani’s Lā Hānau (Birthday)
  • 10/24/22-10/28/22 – Heleuī (Halloween) Art Contest (Prizes of Locally Grown Pumpkins)
  • 10/31/22 – Heleuī (Halloween) Celebration: Parade, Dance, and Costume Contest
  • 11/21-11/23/22 – Makahiki Celebration & Lā ʻOhana: Lā Hoʻomaʻemaʻe, Lā Hana Noʻeau, ʻAha Makahiki
  • 11/28/22 – Lā Kūʻokoʻa (Hawaiian Independence Day): Mōʻaukala (History) Workshop with Kumu Paul Neves
  • 12/12-12/16/22 – Christmas Spirit Week: Daily Attire, Toys for Tots gift distribution, Dance
  • 1/4-1/6/23 – Parent-Teacher Conferences

Nā Wai Ola PCS Upcoming Events:

  • 1/17-1/20/23 – Pule ʻOnipaʻa & Lā ʻOhana: Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Honoring the actions of Queen Liliʻuokalani, Family Engagement, and Class Project Presentations
  • 2/1-2/28/23 – Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi: Honoring and continuing the revitalization and perpetuation of the Hawaiian language
  • 3/28-3/31/23 – Pule Ke Aliʻi Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole Piʻikoi & Lā ʻOhana: Lā Hānau Celebration, Lā Kālaiʻāina (Political Work) of our Aliʻi Workshop, Lā Haʻuki (Athletic Accomplishments) of our Aliʻi via Track & Field Event, and Family Engagement
  • 4/12-4/14/23 – Nā Lā Hoʻomalu (NO SCHOOL): Our faculty and students are encouraged to immerse themselves in the ʻIke Hawaiʻi activities and events planned throughout Hilo in honor of King David Laʻamea Kamananakapu Mahinulani Naloiaehuokalani Lumialani Kalākaua, the Merrie Monarch
  • 5/26/23 – Hōʻike Nā Wai Ola: All grade levels will present their final project presentations for the school year 2022-2023

Naʻu ma ka haʻahaʻa,

Kapua Francisco

1 month ago

Nā Wai Ola Public Charter School
Aloha kākou!Hālau Nā Mamo O Ka Liko Maile O Kohala under the direction of Kumu Hula Kapua Francisco is accepting new students for 2025.Enrollment for new students is open for the entire month of January 2025. Anyone interested in joining Kumu Kapua’s hālau is welcome to contact them and attend papa hula on the following days and times.Papa Hou (New Adult Class)Kāne (men) & Wahine (women)Mondays at 7:00 PMPapa Liko Maile & Liko Mailelauliʻi (Keiki Classes)Keiki Kāne (boys) & Kaikamahine (girls)Saturdays at 9:00 AMFeel free to share. Mahalo! ... See MoreSee Less
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Aloha! Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou! Just a reminder that school resumes tomorrow at the regular time, 8am-2pm. Please check your email for an important reminders and updates message that was sent out today. Mahalo! ... See MoreSee Less
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Aloha ʻOhana!We’d love for you to join us this Friday for Lā ʻOhana, happening from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM! This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your keiki and see what they’ve been up to during Quarter 2.Please be sure to RSVP by using this ... See MoreSee Less
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