How can I enroll?
Information regarding our enrollment process is available at:
How does Nā Wai Ola Public Charter School communicate with its families?
Nā Wai Ola Public Charter School utilizes One Call Now for all communication with our ʻOhana via voice messages, text messages, and emails. Please ensure that your cell phone and email address is continuously updated with our school office by emailing including your Name, Phone Number, and your relationship within our ʻOhana to get started.
Our school website ( and Facebook page will continue to be updated on a regular basis.
What social media platforms does our school use?
At this time, Nā Wai Ola Public Charter School actively uses the following social media platforms to communicate and share celebrations with the community and families:
Facebook: @nawaiolapcs808
Instagram: @nawaiolapcs
Where can I find your school calendar?
Our calendar along with instructions for subscribing to our Google Calendar for the school year is available at:
Where can I find your school supply list?
Our school supply list is available at:
Is Breakfast and Lunch available?
Yes, breakfast, lunch, and healthy snacks are available. Breakfast will be served from 7:15 AM to 7:50 AM. Funds from the Community Eligibility Provision allow each student to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch per day.
Where can I find your Breakfast and Lunch menus?
Our Breakfast and Lunch menus for school year are available at:
What are our school hours?
Instruction begins daily at 8:00 AM. Students are dismissed at 2:05 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. On Fridays, students are dismissed at 12:30 PM.
Where and what time is the earliest I can drop off my child?
The designated drop off and pick up location for NWOPCS is the Mountain View Gym driveway/parking lot accessed from the Mountain View park entrance. The drop-off lane will open at 7:15 AM.
What do I do if my keiki is going to be absent or tardy?
To report a student’s absence or tardy:
Call (808) 968-2318 OR email
When is the student pick-up window?
Pick-up is from 2:05 PM – 2:30 PM (M, Tu, W, Th) and 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM (F). Students should be picked up by the designated time, unless in an afterschool program.
Can I pick-up my child / request a transportation change before the school day ends?
If you would like to pick up your child early, or request a transportation change, you must notify the office by 12:00 PM (M, Tu, W, Th) or 11:30 AM (F). We may not be able to accommodate later requests, so please plan accordingly.
To request a student’s early release, transportation changes, or for general questions/information:
Call (808) 968-2318 or email
What is your cellphone policy?
All cellular phones are considered a contraband item during school hours (7:50 AM – 2:10 PM). If a student is seen in possession of or using a cellular phone during school hours, it will be confiscated and Mālama Kuleana (detention) hours will be assigned as a consequence. If there is a need for Mākua/ʻOhana (Parents/Guardians or Family) to contact their child during the day, a message can be left with the main office and it will be passed on to the student.
Cellular phones are acceptable prior to school starting or Piko Wehe and after closing, Piko Panina, or on a case by case basis prior to and after school (with supervision).
Why aren't I receiving any One Call notifications?
Weʻre not exactly sure what might have changed on your end, but the first thing we should do is update your contact information.
Please send an email to including your Name, Phone Number, and your relationship within our ʻOhana to get started.
How can I stop receiving One Call notifications?
We apologize for this inconvenience and want to remedy the situation to prevent further phone calls, text messages, or emails being sent to you.
Simply reply to any text message with the word “STOP.”
Alternatively, you can also send an email with your request to stop receiving notifications to including your Name, and Phone Number to get started.